At IIMPACT-CT, we have a vision to improve the lives of those less fortunate. Our focus is to improve the quality of life those underserved in our community and empowering our youth.
We’re often asked why we have two “I’s” in our name, and the answer is quite simple…
We’re keeping both eyes on sustaining our vision and preserving our focus as we look to make a positive impact here in Connecticut.

Our Patrons & Sponsors:

Without the generosity of those who believe and support our vision, we would not be able to make the impact needed to enact real change in our community.
Contact us today to help us in our mission and learn about our sponsor opportunities.

Our Leadership

William Bryant

William Bryant

Co-Founder & Senior Director
With more than 18 years serving as Business Services Manager & Office Manager for financial services companies, Will’s true passion is in serving his community and helping to elevate those less fortunate.


Rafael Medina

Rafael Medina

Co-Founder & Senior Director

Rafael is a self-taught professional culinary chef that has maintained a passion for food from an early age, which is when he also learned the relationship between cooking wholesome meals and bonding with family.

His cultivations are a reflection of his unique style of pairing tradition with innovation and it’s also the reason he’s retained by some of the most well-known companies in the Fairfield/ Westchester area.

J'von Harris

J'von Harris


In his professional career, J’von is a Senior Treasury professional managing global corporate clients in the Business Banking and Middle Market sectors. Personally, J’von likes nothing better than spending time in his community, connecting with neighbors, and empowering youth to become leaders of the future.


Alvin Frager

Alvin Frager

Vice President

Alvin has been employed by Stamford Public Schools for over thirty years where he has held several positions. He attended Stanford Brown University where he obtained as Associate’s Degree in Computer Science.

Alvin believes that one of the most valuable things we can share is ourselves: our time, our talents, and our energies in serving others.

Tim Little

Tim Little

Secretary / IT Director

With 25 years of professional technology experience, Tim brings a wealth of knowledge to the role, along with an eagerness to affect real change in the lives of others.


Dale Daniels

Dale Daniels

Creative Director

I am a design director working at Pepsi headquarters in Purchase, NY. I bleed creative, but not on it, unless I get a paper cut. Bad joke, but that’s what I do. I don’t go a day without laughing and finding the humor and the bright side to any situation. It’s what helps me appreciate the positive side of life, and any assignment. If I’m not laughing and pushing the envelope to create something unexpected, check my pulse.


Jay Presley

Robert Garrett

Street Team Manager

Jay Presley

Jay Presley

Street Team

I’ve lived most of my life in Stamford, am married and have two amazing kids who both attend Stamford High. When I am not at work I enjoy spending time with family, watching a good game, and volunteering in the community.


Son, husband, father, brother, friend. I have been employed by Walgreens Pharmacy for almost two decades and have been able to effectively manage people and grow strong relationships over the course of my employment. Growing up in a modest household in the city of Bridgeport has given me a desire to work hard and to give back to the community. When I am not working, attending church, or serving in my community, I enjoy bowling, traveling, and watching sports. Go GIANTS, Go Knicks!!!

Winston Davis

Street Team

An NCC graduate, Winston joins iimpact-ct’s Street Team
